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About Inclusive Australia


Inclusive Australia is a social movement rooted in behaviour-change science.

The movement works on the simple philosophy that bringing together people from different walks of life will help break down barriers and prejudices.​ In 2016, work began to better understand the issue of social inclusion in our country and how to achieve long-term societal change.

Inclusive Australia has a clear strategy to shift ingrained behaviours and attitudes by:

  1. Guiding the national narrative on social inclusion, enabling people individually or collectively to address discrimination and form connections with others.
  2. Accelerating and amplifying the efforts of organisations and individuals who choose to be a part of the Inclusive Australia network through campaigns and advocacy.
  3. Providing technical and physical platforms for collaboration, to enable us to leverage existing expertise and networks, drive convergence and collective action, and offer shared learning and measurement.
  4. Developing tools to evaluate, measure, compare and improve current social inclusion activities in Australia, providing an overarching nationwide context to the issues being addressed.
Inclusive Australia is a social movement rooted in behaviour-change science.

Our Founders

Inclusive Australia is a charitable organisation led by a group of passionate individuals and organisations.

Australia Post LogoBehaviourWorks Australia LogoPwC LogoScanlon Foundation LogoThe Shannon Company Logo
We want to make exclusion and discrimination a thing of the past.

We want to make exclusion and discrimination a thing of the past.

Our focus is on undertaking activities and encouraging behaviours that address the five indicators of social inclusion:

  • sense of belonging and wellbeing
  • prejudicial attitudes and experiences of discrimination
  • amount and quality of contact with people from minority groups
  • willingness to volunteer in inclusion activities
  • willingness to advocate for social inclusion.

This is the foundation for a more cohesive and connected society.

Our three step process.
How will we succeed?

Our three step process.

Our success lies in our ability to respect each other, celebrate our differences and work together to build a better future. We will accelerate and amplify the work of existing organisations and individuals by guiding the national narrative on social inclusion, providing access to like minded organisations and a range of tools, platforms and research

  1. Build a national movement;
  2. Foster collaboration;
  3. Advocate for change
Actions speak louder than words.
how to change behaviour

Actions speak louder than words.

Our research shows that these activities will help change long-term attitudes and behaviours.

Read the Social Inclusion Index
We've all got a part to play

We've all got a part to play

The Governance and Advisory Boards comprise representatives from the not-for-profit, government and corporate sectors who share the vision for a more inclusive Australia.